So while ago I wrote about my adventures in SQL Azure backups. At the time, there was very little offered by either Microsoft or tool vendors to provide an easy solution for scheduling SQL Azure backups. So in the end, I cobbled together a solution involving batch files, Task Scheduler, and most importantly Red Gate Compare and Data Compare.
But much has changed the past year. Red Gate released their new SQL Azure Backup product, whose functionality looks freakishly similar to other less polished solutions that people had written about. The cool part is that while the SQL Compare solution I proposed originally required a purchased copy of the Red Gate SQL tools, Red Gate has been nice enough to release their Azure backup tool for free.
Also, Microsoft has released a CTP version of their SQL Import/Export Service. This service allows you to backup and restore your database using Azure Blob storage instead having to download it to a local database server, which is actually what most of us really wanted in the first place anyway. The latest versions of Red Gate’s Azure Backup also supports this functionality, which gives you a lot of options.
So just to close the loop on this, here’s the updated batch script file we’re using for SportsCommander now for doing regular production backups of our database. We’re opting to use the the Import/Export functionality as our primary backup strategy:
SET SqlAzureServerName=[censored]
SET SqlAzureUserName=[censored]
SET SqlAzurePassword=[censored]
SET SqlAzureDatabaseName=[censored]SET AzureStorageAccount=[censored]
SET AzureStorageKey=[censored]
SET AzureStorageContainer=[censored[for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=/- " %%a in (‘date /t’) do set XDate=%%d_%%b_%%c
for /f "tokens=1-2 delims=: " %%a in (‘time /t’) do set XTime=%%a_%%bSET BackupName=SportsCommander_Backup_%XDate%_%XTime%
C:\SQLBackups\RedGate.SQLAzureBackupCommandLine.exe /AzureServer:%SqlAzureServerName% /AzureDatabase:%SqlAzureDatabaseName% /AzureUserName:%SqlAzureUserName% /AzurePassword:%SqlAzurePassword% /CreateCopy /StorageAccount:%AzureStorageAccount% /AccessKey:%AzureStorageKey% /Container:%AzureStorageContainer% /Filename:%BackupName%.bacpac
A few notes:
– This runs the same Import/Export functionality you can get through the Azure portal. If you have any problems with the parameters here, you can experiment in Azure portal
– The AzureStorageAccount parameter is the account name of your storage account. So if your blob storage URL is, your would want to use “myawesomeapp” in this parameter
– The /CreateCopy parameter will use SQL Azure’s CREATE DATABASE AS COPY OF method to create a snapshot first and then back that up, instead of just backing up the live database. This takes a little extra time, but it is important to ensure that you are getting a transactionally consistent backup.
Of course, if you still want to copy down a local instance of the database like we did in the previous post, you can easily do that too:
SET SqlAzureServerName=[censored]
SET SqlAzureUserName=[censored]
SET SqlAzurePassword=[censored]
SET SqlAzureDatabaseName=[censored]SET LocalSqlServerName=[censored]
SET LocalSqlUserName=[censored]
SET LocalSqlPassword=[censored]for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=/- " %%a in (‘date /t’) do set XDate=%%d_%%b_%%c
for /f "tokens=1-2 delims=: " %%a in (‘time /t’) do set XTime=%%a_%%b
SET BackupName=SportsCommander_Backup_%XDate%_%XTime%
C:\SQLBackups\RedGate.SQLAzureBackupCommandLine.exe /AzureServer:%SqlAzureServerName% /AzureDatabase:%SqlAzureDatabaseName% /AzureUserName:%SqlAzureUserName% /AzurePassword:%SqlAzurePassword% /CreateCopy /LocalServer:%LocalSqlServerName% /LocalDatabase:%BackupName% /LocalUserName:%LocalSqlUserName% /LocalPassword:%LocalSqlPassword% /DropLocal
Good luck.
great and helpful blog to everyone.. thanks a lot for sharing